McCormack, John

McCormack, John (1884-1945), was perhaps the most famous of Irish tenors. His popularity as a concert artist was almost unrivaled. It enabled him to amass a fortune estimated at over $1 million. McCormack commanded a light, clear voice and sang with perfect diction and great vocal finesse. He sang airs of the 1700’s and Irish ballads with equal eloquence.

McCormack began his career at the age of 18 by winning a gold medal at the National Irish Festival in Dublin. After study in Italy, he won immediate success in Naples, London, New York, Boston, and Chicago. McCormack abandoned opera after 1913 in favor of concerts. He was born on June 14, 1884, in Athlone, Ireland, but became a U.S. citizen in 1917. He died on Sept. 16, 1945.