
Ovenbird is a common North American warbler. The name ovenbird may also refer to a group of birds in Central and South America that are not closely related to the North American ovenbird. The North American ovenbird looks like a small thrush. It is about 6 inches (15 centimeters) long and has a brownish olive-green back, dull orange crown, and a white breast spotted with black. Its song sounds like the word teacher, repeated with increasing loudness. The ovenbird is often called the teacher bird.


The ovenbird nests from Oklahoma to Georgia, and north to Manitoba and Labrador. Its name comes from the shape of its nest, which looks somewhat like an old-fashioned rounded oven. The ovenbird hides its nest on the forest floor. It lays four to six white eggs, speckled with cinnamon-brown. It eats mostly insects.

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