
Pamirs, << pah MEERZ, >> is a huge region where the Himalaya, Hindu Kush, Kunlun, and Tian Shan mountains meet. It is one of the highest mountain ranges of the world. The region is sometimes called Bam i Dunya, which means roof of the world. It lies mostly in Tajikistan, but parts of the region extend into Afghanistan, China, and Kyrgyzstan. The region covers 36,000 square miles (93,200 square kilometers), at an average height of 13,000 to 15,000 feet (3,960 to 4,570 meters) above sea level.


Most of the Pamirs is treeless, with either grass or bare rock. Rugged mountains are cut by deep canyons. In summer, native people find pasture for their cattle on the gentler slopes along the few lakes and the Amu Darya (Oxus River). Snow covers the mountains and blocks the passes for more than half of each year. High winds blow across the mountains during the summer months.

See also Asia (Mountains); Himalaya; Hindu Kush; Kunlun Mountains; Tian Shan.