Pike, Zebulon Montgomery

Pike, Zebulon, << ZEHB yu luhn, >> Montgomery (1779-1813), an American general and explorer, won fame for his discovery of Pikes Peak. The peak is a mountain in the Colorado Rockies. Pike’s first important mission was to explore the upper Mississippi River in 1805.

In 1806 and 1807, Pike explored the southwestern United States. While following the Arkansas River, he sighted the peak that now bears his name from at least 150 miles (241 kilometers) away. He later turned south to find the source of the Red River. Instead, he followed the Rio Grande into Spanish territory. Spanish troops met Pike and took him and his men as captives to Santa Fe (now in New Mexico). They were released months later.

Pikes Peak
Pikes Peak

Pike returned from his trip with valuable information about the area for the U.S. government. He was ordered on this mission by General James Wilkinson., Wilkinson may have been plotting an illegal invasion of Spanish territory in the area with American statesman Aaron Burr. Some historians believe Pike was spying for Wilkinson.

Pike was born in Lamberton (now a part of Trenton), New Jersey, on Jan. 5, 1779. He began his military career at the age of 15. In the War of 1812 (1812-1815), he led a successful advance on York (Toronto), Canada. He was killed in the attack, dying on April 27, 1813.