Beach volleyball

Beach volleyball is a popular outdoor sport that follows the basic rules of indoor volleyball. Beach volleyball is played on sand with two players on a side. Some versions are played on grass, or with three, four, or six players on a team. The teams may be all male, all female, or coed (mixed). Rules vary slightly for each version.

The playing area for the two-person game is a rectangular court 521/2 feet (16 meters) long and 261/4 feet (8 meters) wide. When the game has three or more players on a side, the court is expanded to the regular indoor size of 59 feet (18 meters) long and 291/2 feet (9 meters) wide. A surrounding free zone must be at least 9 feet 10 inches (3 meters) wide. The court boundary lines are usually marked by flat tape, or ropes. Sometimes, the lines are drawn in the sand. The net is about 8 feet (2.4 meters) high for men and slightly lower for women. The ball is similar to the one used in indoor volleyball.

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Beach volleyball

Most games are played by rally scoring to 21 points. Under this system of scoring, the team that wins a rally earns a point, regardless of whether it was the serving team. Sometimes side out scoring is used, when a point can be scored only while serving. Then a game is played to 15 points.

Beach volleyball was first played in the 1920’s in the United States and became a competitive sport in California in 1947. The first world championships were held in 1976. The first sponsored professional tour started in 1980. Beach volleyball became a sport in the Summer Olympic Games in 1996.

See also Volleyball.