
Shiva, << SHEE vuh, >> is one of the two leading gods of Hinduism. Vishnu is the other. Shiva, a god of great power, is beyond distinctions of good and evil. Hindus call him the Destroyer because he periodically destroys the world so it can be re-created. Shiva is one of three main forms of Brahman, the most absolute, abstract form of God in Hinduism. The two other main forms are Brahma, creator of the universe, and Vishnu, its preserver. Together, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are known as the Trimurti.

At times, Shiva has a terrifying appearance. Many Hindus believe he haunts graveyards and lives with demons and other supernatural beings. But Shiva’s followers consider him a merciful god, despite his fearsome characteristics. In Hindu philosophy, Shiva avoids taking an active part in human affairs. Hindu works of art show him meditating alone on a mountain. Shiva’s wife, who has several names, plays an important part in human affairs.