Urban VI

Urban VI (1318-1389) was elected pope in 1378. Events during his reign led to a controversy called the Great Schism that divided the papacy until 1417.

Urban succeeded Pope Gregory XI, who had returned the papacy to Rome after almost 70 years in Avignon, France. Romans feared the election of another Frenchman and rioted, demanding a Roman or Italian pope. In this atmosphere, the cardinals elected Urban, an Italian. Urban soon demonstrated an unstable character. He abused the cardinals so badly that a majority concluded that Urban was mentally unbalanced. Five months after his election, 13 cardinals declared he had been elected through intimidation. They elected Clement VII to replace Urban. England, Germany, and most of Italy gave their allegiance to Urban. Burgundy, France, Naples, Savoy, and Scotland followed Clement.

Urban was born in Naples, Italy. His given and family name was Bartolomeo Prignano. He died on Oct. 15, 1389.