
Bulbul is any member of a family of about 120 species of tropical songbirds found in Africa and southern Asia. Bulbuls are small to medium-sized, and most have slender, notched bills. They have loose, fluffy feathers, and some species have a crest of feathers on the head. Most bulbuls are dully colored, with combinations of yellow, green, brown, or gray feathers. However, some species have patches of bright red or yellow feathers on the head or beneath the tail.


Most types of bulbuls have loud, lively songs. Some species are familiar inhabitants of gardens and yards, but others live only in dense jungles and are seldom seen. Bulbuls use twigs and small roots to build cup-shaped nests in bushes or trees. The female lays from two to four eggs, which, in most species, are pinkish-white marked with brown, chestnut, or violet. Bulbuls eat chiefly fruits and insects. Some species roam in large, noisy flocks when they are not raising their young.

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