STEM education

STEM education refers to academic programs aimed at educating students in four specific fields of study to prepare them for teaching or getting jobs in those fields. STEM stands for _S_cience, _T_echnology, _E_ngineering, and _M_athematics. STEM programs are aimed at students in the P-12 grade levels as well as students at colleges and universities. Education experts see such programs as necessary to address a shortage of skilled workers in rapidly growing STEM-based fields. Examples of STEM fields include computer science , electronics , engineering , environmental science, industry , manufacturing , medicine , and physical sciences.

STEM programs may include separate courses on various subjects or they may integrate all four subject areas into a single course of study. At the P-12 grade levels, STEM programs are aimed at helping students develop a general understanding of science, technology, engineering, and math regardless of their career focus. At the P-5 grade levels, STEM concepts are integrated into existing curriculums such as reading, science, and social studies. At these lower grade levels, the programs aim to generate interest and demonstrate how STEM concepts can be applied to help solve real-life problems. Typical STEM courses for students at the 6-12 grade levels are more challenging. They encourage students to develop knowledge and skills in troubleshooting, research and development, invention and innovation, and problem solving.

STEM teaching typically emphasizes hands-on applications of scientific and engineering concepts. STEM encourages students to use their creativity and problem-solving skills to find solutions to various problems. Many programs include an emphasis on art and design skills. STEAM refers to programs that add an arts component to the program. The A refers to arts.

The focus of STEM education programs at the P-12 grade levels is not to prepare future science, technology, engineering, or math students or majors, but to provide an education for all students. Beyond the P-12 grade levels, STEM courses are primarily taught by teachers with specialized training in specific fields. At this level, the programs typically prepare students to work in specific STEM fields or to teach STEM courses at the P-12 level. Post-secondary STEM education also prepares some individuals for more advanced careers and research or for teaching at universities, technical schools, or community colleges.