Ursa Major

Ursa Major, also called the Great Bear, is a constellation that includes a group of stars called the Big Dipper. It is a constellation of the Northern Hemisphere. Ursa Major is bordered by several constellations, including Draco, Leo, and Lynx. It is best viewed in April and May. Ursa Major was among the 48 constellations defined by the ancient Greek mathematician Ptolemy. Today, it is one of 88 constellations recognized by the International Astronomical Union (IAU). The IAU is the leading authority in the naming of heavenly objects.

Big and Little Dippers in the night sky
Big and Little Dippers in the night sky

Ursa Major can be drawn in several ways, using different numbers of stars. In general, the ladle-shaped Big Dipper serves as the bear’s body and curving tail. Other stars near the dipper mark the bear’s legs.

See also Big and Little Dippers .