Felipe VI

Felipe VI (1968-…) became king of Spain in 2014. He succeeded his father, King Juan Carlos I , who abdicated (gave up) the throne. Prior to becoming king, Felipe held the title Prince of Asturias, as well as other, minor titles. The title Prince (or Princess) of Asturias traditionally is given to the heir to the Spanish throne. As crown prince, Felipe performed many official duties in Spain and abroad.

Felipe was born on Jan. 30, 1968, in Madrid . His full name is Felipe Juan Pablo Alfonso de Todos los Santos de Borbón y de Grecia. Felipe’s father became king in 1975. His mother, Queen Sofia, had been born a princess of Greece . Felipe’s paternal great-grandfather Alfonso XIII also served as king of Spain, from 1902 to 1931. Felipe has two older sisters, Elena and Cristina.

Felipe attended secondary schools in Spain and Canada . In 1985, he began training at military schools in Spain, including the General Military Academy in Zaragoza . He received commissions in Spain’s army, navy, and air force in 1989. At the time he became king, Felipe held the ranks of lieutenant colonel in the army, commander in the navy, and wing commander in the air force.

In 1986, in a ceremony before Spain’s parliament, Felipe pledged his loyalty to his nation’s king and the Constitution. From 1988 to 1993, Felipe attended the Autonomous University of Madrid, graduating with a law degree. In 1995, he received a master’s degree in international relations from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. In 2004, Felipe married Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, a television journalist. The couple has two daughters—Leonor, born in 2005, and Sofía, born in 2007.

On June 2, 2014, King Juan Carlos I announced his intention to abdicate the throne. At the time, Spain was experiencing significant economic difficulties. Also, some members of the royal family, though not Felipe, had been involved in a number of scandals. Spain’s parliament passed special legislation providing for Felipe’s succession. He became king on June 19.

In addition to his political duties, Felipe has overseen several nonprofit organizations, including the Prince of Asturias Foundation. The foundation presents annual awards in such areas as the arts, literature, scientific research, international cooperation, and sports. Felipe is also an accomplished yachtsman. He was on Spain’s sailing team in the 1992 Summer Olympic Games in Barcelona . Both Felipe and his wife have a keen interest in the arts and in North American culture.

See also Juan Carlos I ; Spain (Political changes) ; Spain (The early 2000’s) .