Maine coon

Maine coon is a popular breed of cat. It is recognizable for its large size and dense, long coat. The breed is also known to be affectionate and playful. The Maine coon originated from cats brought to Maine by European settlers. Its shaggy ruff, stomach, and tail make it look somewhat like a raccoon. A ruff is a fringe of long hairs that circles the neck.

Maine coon cat
Maine coon cat

The broad, muscular body of the Maine coon has an almost rectangular shape. Its head features a long nose and large eyes and ears. The cat stands on sturdy, medium-length legs. Tufts of fur cover its large, round paws, which are well suited to running across ice and snow. Maine coons come in many different colors, including black, orange, and white.

Maine coons weigh between 10 and 20 pounds (5 kilograms and 10 kilograms). They range between about 20 and 40 inches (50 to 100 centimeters) in length. On average, Maine coons live between 9 and 15 years.