
Cashew, << KASH oo, >> is a bean-shaped nut that grows on a tropical evergreen tree. Cashew nuts are delicious when roasted and are a popular food in the United States. India, the Philippines, Vietnam, and several African countries produce most of the world’s cashew nuts. The cashew tree is related to poison ivy, and the shell of the cashew nut contains an irritating poison. People who touch the shell sometimes develop skin blisters. But roasting removes all poison from the nuts.

The cashew tree is native to Central America and other tropical regions. The first cashew trees in India were brought from South America. In the United States, cashew trees grow mostly in Florida.

The trees sometimes reach a height of 40 feet (12 meters). They have large, leathery, green leaves up to 6 inches (15 centimeters) long and 4 inches (10 centimeters) wide. Each fruit of the cashew contains one nut. In addition to the nut, people eat the fleshy red or yellow base of the fruit, called the cashew apple. The apple may be eaten raw or made into a preserve. Cashew trees also yield a gum used in varnishes.
