Fer-de-lance << `fair` duh LAHNS >> is one of the largest and deadliest venomous snakes. Venomous snakes have fangs that can inject poison. The fer-de-lance is a viper that lives in tropical America and on some islands in the Caribbean. It has velvety scales, markings of rich brown and gray, and a yellowish throat. The fer-de-lance lives in both wet and dry places, in forests as well as open country. Young snakes eat lizards and frogs, and adults feed on birds and small mammals. There may be more than 70 young in one brood. The baby snakes have fully formed fangs and can give a venomous bite. A fer-de-lance strikes swiftly. The snake may grow to 8 feet (2.4 meters) in length. Its name is French and means lance blade.