
Grouse is a type of bird that lives in the Northern Hemisphere. It is somewhat like domestic fowl. People often use the names grouse, quail, and partridge incorrectly. In the South, the ruffed grouse is often called a pheasant. New Englanders call it a partridge. The spruce grouse is called the swamp partridge or spruce partridge. In other places, partridges and pheasants are often called grouse. Several grouse are called quail.

Spruce grouse
Spruce grouse

General appearance.

A grouse has dull feathers, and grows to about the size of a large chicken. Like a fowl, it has four toes, with the hind one raised above the ground. Feathers hide its nostrils. These birds usually live in high or northern places. Feathers cover the legs of most species to keep them from freezing.

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Sage grouse


During the mating season, the males court the hens with a kind of dance and fight each other fiercely. Grouse build their nests on the ground in places that are well-hidden. The hens usually lay 10 to 15 eggs. The eggs are buff-colored with brown dots. The chicks leave the nest almost as soon as they hatch. When danger threatens, the mother gives a sharp call that warns the chicks. The chicks then become still. The color of their feathers helps them blend into the background and hide from enemies. A flock of grouse is called a covey.

Sharp-tailed grouse
Sharp-tailed grouse

Grouse eat insects and berries in summer. In autumn, they may visit grain fields for the seeds, and in winter they live on catkins, leaves, and buds. Their food habits usually do not harm growing things. In Europe and North America, grouse increase in number and grow scarce over 9- to 11-year periods. Hunters consider grouse good game birds because they show intelligence in escaping when hunted.

Many species of grouse live in North America. The ruffed grouse lives from Alaska south to Georgia. The spruce grouse lives from New England west to Alaska. Some grouse, including the spruce grouse and the blue grouse, are called fool hens by hunters. These birds are very curious. Sometimes they become so interested that they stand around watching the hunters and can be shot very easily.

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Spruce grouse