Actium, Battle of

Actium << AK tee uhm >> , Battle of, was a primarily naval battle that settled the struggle for control of the Roman world between co-rulers Mark Antony and Octavian . Antony ruled Rome’s eastern territories, and Octavian ruled its western ones. The battle took place on Sept. 2, 31 B.C., off the coast of northwestern Greece near present-day Preveza.

Battle of Actium, 31 B.C.
Battle of Actium, 31 B.C.

The battle centered around the Straits of Actium, which controlled access to the Gulf of Ambracia. The fleet and army of Antony and his ally Queen Cleopatra of Egypt were trapped near the straits by Octavian’s fleet under the command of Marcus Agrippa . Antony’s forces were suffering from desertion, disease, and hunger. Antony decided to try to break free of Octavian’s forces by sea rather than by land. He prepared about 170 warships with 20,000 marines and 2,000 archers on board. Octavian prepared about twice this number of ships, although his ships were smaller. His ships’ nimbleness may have convinced Cleopatra prematurely, after a couple hours of fighting, that Antony would lose. Cleopatra fled with her 60 ships and was joined by Antony. The battle continued indecisively into the night until Antony’s fleet surrendered. His army surrendered several days later.

Roman Empire under Augustus
Roman Empire under Augustus