American Association of University Women (AAUW)

American Association of University Women (AAUW) is a national organization of men and women who have a bachelor’s or higher degree. AAUW promotes equality, education, and personal development for women, and social reform. Members take part in study and action programs, and they support legislation relating to their concerns. AAUW’s interests include the arts, community affairs, education, and international relations.

The AAUW Educational Foundation, a division of AAUW, offers fellowships to women for advanced study or research. AAUW also offers to its members, branches, and state divisions grants for public service projects and studies.

AAUW was founded in Boston in 1881 as the Association of Collegiate Alumnae (ACA). In 1889, the Western Association of Collegiate Alumnae, established in 1883, merged with the ACA. In 1921, the Southern Association of College Women, founded in 1903, merged with the ACA to form the American Association of University Women. Originally, only women college graduates could be members. In 1987, AAUW voted to extend membership to male college graduates. AAUW’s national offices are in Washington, D.C.