April Fools’ Day, or All Fools’ Day, is the first day of April. In many countries, including the United States, it is the custom on this day to play tricks on people. A favorite joke is to send someone on a fool’s errand, a search for something that does not exist. In the United States, the victim is called an April Fool.

No one knows where the April Fools’ custom began. But some historians believe it may have started in France. There, the old New Year’s festival was observed from March 25 to April 1 and ended with an exchange of gifts. In the mid-1560’s, King Charles IX changed the New Year to January 1. People who still celebrated the New Year in April were called April fish and sent mock presents. April Fools’ Day may be related to the ancient Roman spring festival Hilaria, which celebrates the resurrection of the god Attis.