
Arum, << AIR uhm, >> is the name of a large family of plants. There are thousands of species (kinds) of arums. Most grow in tropical and subtropical regions, but some are found in temperate areas. Many arums are poisonous.

Titan arum
Titan arum

The arum plant bears a flower cluster made up of tiny blossoms. The blossoms grow at the tip of a slender stalk called the spadix and are surrounded by a colorful, leaflike spathe. Arums that grow wild in North America include the water arum, jack-in-the-pulpit, skunk cabbage, and sweet flag. True arums are native to the Eastern Hemisphere and make up a small group in the arum family. The cuckoopint, also known as lords-and-ladies, is a true arum that grows in Europe. It resembles the jack-in-the-pulpit.
