
Asparagus is a nutritious green vegetable. People eat the young shoots (stems) of the asparagus plant. These shoots are called spears. Asparagus is an excellent source of protein, vitamins, and minerals. For the best taste and highest nutritional value, fresh asparagus should be cooked gently until soft, but it should remain a brilliant green in color.

Two types of asparagus
Two types of asparagus

Asparagus plants originated in the Mediterranean region and in Africa. They grow best in moderate climates and in loose, moist, sandy soil. In the United States, most asparagus is produced in California, Michigan, and Washington.

Asparagus is a perennial plant—that is, it can live for several years without replanting. Most of the commercial asparagus crop is grown from seedlings that are planted in early spring. As the plants grow, they develop a root system called the crown. The crown consists of fleshy roots that store food and underground stems called rhizomes. As the soil temperature rises, buds on the rhizomes grow through the soil and become the spears. If the spears are not harvested, they develop into tall, mature plants with feathery leaves. Generally, asparagus plantings are first harvested during the second or third year, depending on the area in which they are grown. In some cases, properly established plantings may continue to produce well for 15 to 25 years.

The asparagus fern is a kind of asparagus used in floral arrangements. It also is a good house plant.