Automobile, Model

Automobile, Model, is a small-scale copy of a car. Many people enjoy making and collecting model cars as a hobby. Some hobbyists collect many different types of model cars. Others collect only cars from a certain period or specialize in models of racing cars, antique cars, or cars of historic value.

White model car
White model car

Some models are unique, handcrafted cars made of clay, wood, plastic, or plaster of Paris. But the most popular type of model is made of molded plastic and is sold as a kit. Because of modern advances in plastics molding, manufacturers can produce kits of very detailed models at a low cost. Many types of vehicles, including sports cars, trucks, racing cars, and unusual show cars, are available in model kits. The kits include step-by-step instructions on how to assemble the models and require such everyday tools as pliers, a sharp knife, and a small drill. Popular kits include replicas of the stock cars used in such races as the Daytona 500. People can also collect die-cast metal models or plastic promotional models of current cars that can be obtained from car dealers.

Some hobbyists have favorite models they build as stock. A stock car looks like the real car as it was produced at the factory. Others prefer to customize their cars. This means that they give them special touches or features, such as elaborate paint jobs, unusual decorations, or molded plastic wheels.

Some people enjoy the excitement of radio control (R/C) car racing. In the early years of radio control racing, the model cars used fuel-powered model airplane engines. Now most radio control cars are powered by a battery-operated electric motor. The motor drives the wheels through a set of gears. A carefully tuned transmitter controls the speed and steering of a radio control car. The transmitter sends radio signals to a receiver built into the car.

In racing, each participant has an assigned channel or frequency that prevents cars from receiving conflicting signals from the transmitters of other competitors. Most radio control car races last 8 or 10 minutes. The car that finishes the most laps on a track during the time limit wins the race.

Some model car hobbyists enter the Pinewood Derby. Pinewood Derby cars are wooden blocks that can be shaped to look like racing or passenger cars. The races are held on downhill ramps. Winners in a series of races compete with other winners until the car that finishes first in the final race is named champion. Participants in the Pinewood Derby can also win prizes for the best-designed car, for superior workmanship, or for the most original car.

Boy Scouts of America Pinewood Derby model car race
Boy Scouts of America Pinewood Derby model car race