
Buffaloberry is a group of North American shrubs that produce brightly colored berries. These berries are sometimes eaten or made into jelly.

The silver buffaloberry grows from Manitoba to Alberta southward to New Mexico and Arizona. It thrives on river banks and in canyons. It grows to a height of 20 feet (6 meters). The silver buffaloberry produces pea-sized fruit that is usually bright red. The fruit is sometimes made into jelly.

Silver buffaloberry
Silver buffaloberry

The Canadian buffaloberry is most commonly found in northern Canada. It also grows in parts of the northeastern and north-central United States and may be found as far south as New Mexico. It measures from 3 to 9 feet (0.9 to 2.7 meters) tall. The Canadian buffaloberry produces inedible fruit that is usually yellowish-red. Buffaloberries are widely planted in yards and parks.