Burghley, Lord

Burghley, << BUR lee, >> Lord (1520-1598), also spelled Burleigh, was an English statesman. Burghley directed England’s foreign and domestic affairs during the reign of Elizabeth I, who ruled from 1558 to 1603.

Burghley served King Edward VI as secretary of state from 1550 to 1553. When Elizabeth became queen five years later, she made Burghley her chief adviser. Together, Elizabeth and Burghley ruled England for 40 years (see England (The reign of Elizabeth I)).

Burghley was born William Cecil on Sept. 13, 1520, in Bourne, near Grantham, England. He attended Cambridge University. Burghley died on Aug. 5, 1598. His son Thomas became Earl of Exeter, and his son Robert became Earl of Salisbury.