Carson, Johnny (1925-2005), a popular American entertainer, became famous as the host of ” The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson” on television. He appeared as a guest host on “The Tonight Show” in 1958 and was the regular host from 1962 to 1992. Carson became noted for his quick sense of humor and natural performing style.

John William Carson was born on Oct. 23, 1925, in Corning, Iowa. He began his career in Lincoln , Nebraska, as a radio announcer in the late 1940’s. During the early 1950’s, Carson worked as a writer and performer in radio and television in Los Angeles. In 1955, he starred in “The Johnny Carson Show,” a weekly TV program. In 1957, Carson became the host of a daytime game show called “Do You Trust Your Wife?” In 1958, the show’s name was changed to “Who Do You Trust?” Carson was the host of the show for a total of five years. The comedian Jay Leno replaced Carson as the host of “The Tonight Show” in 1992, and the show was renamed “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.” Carson died on Jan. 23, 2005.