Cavour, Count di

Cavour << kah VOOR >>, Count di (1810-1861), played a decisive role in the unification of Italy. Born on Aug. 10, 1810, in Turin, he served as prime minister of the Kingdom of Sardinia from 1852 to 1859 and from 1860 to 1861. The kingdom included the island of Sardinia and the Piedmont region of what is now Italy.

In 1859, under Cavour’s leadership, Sardinia and France fought a war against Austria. The war ended with Sardinia’s annexation of the Austrian province of Lombardy. Inspired by Austria’s defeat, patriots in central and southern Italy overthrew their rulers. With Cavour’s support, southern Italy and most of central Italy united with Sardinia in 1860. This expanded kingdom became the Kingdom of Italy in 1861. Cavour’s given and family name was Camillo Benso. He died on June 6, 1861.

See also Italy (Italy united); Sardinia, Kingdom of.