Cocker spaniel

Cocker spaniel, sometimes called the American cocker, is one of the most popular dogs in the United States. Cockers are favorite pets and show dogs. They are named for their ability to hunt birds called woodcock. However, few cockers are now used as hunting dogs. Most weigh 22 to 28 pounds (10 to 13 kilograms) and stand about 15 inches (38 centimeters) at the shoulder. Cockers have a soft, thick coat with feathers (long hairs) on the ears, chest, and legs. Many cockers have coats that are solid black or black with tan markings. Cockers with coats of any solid color other than black—and also nonblack cockers with tan—are called ascobs. Cockers with red and white, black and white, or three-colored combination coats are called parti-colors. See also Spaniel.

Cocker spaniel
Cocker spaniel