County agricultural extension agent

County agricultural extension agent is a public official who helps farmers, families, and communities solve agricultural and family-living problems. Nearly every county in the United States has at least one agent. Agents are part of the Cooperative Extension System, a partnership of the federal, state, and county governments. Agents are officially known as agent/educators.

County agricultural extension agents work to help farmers improve their farming and financial management practices. They advise all farmers, regardless of the size of the farm. In both rural and urban areas, agents advise volunteer 4-H leaders and provide information about gardening and insect control.

The agents also work with local leaders to improve rural communities. For example, they help develop plans to control pollution and try to make more jobs available for local people. Many agents have a bachelor’s degree in some field of agriculture.

See also Agricultural education; Farm and farming (Challenges and resources for farmers); 4-H; Gardening (Analyzing the soil).