
Eurydice, << yoo RIHD ih see >>, in Greek mythology, was a tree nymph loved by Orpheus, who was a legendary Greek musician. On their wedding day, Eurydice accidentally stepped on a snake and died from its bite. Another version of her death tells that she tripped over the snake as she fled from the amorous advances of Aristaeus, a rural divinity.

After her death, Eurydice descended into the underworld, which was ruled by the god Hades and his wife, Persephone. Orpheus was determined to rescue Eurydice. He went down to the underworld and charmed the ghosts of the dead with his music.

Hades and Persephone agreed to release Eurydice only if Orpheus would walk ahead and not look back at her until they both reached the upper world. As they approached the light, Orpheus turned around to look at Eurydice because he did not hear her footsteps. Eurydice was immediately drawn back to the underworld forever.

See also Orpheus in the Underworld.