
Fetish, << FEE tihsh or FEHT ihsh >>, is an object that is believed to have magical powers or to embody or contain a powerful spirit. The term is sometimes spelled fetich. The objects that are treated as fetishes differ from one society to another. But many fetishes are bones, carved statues, or unusual stones. Fetishes also include a rabbit’s foot or a coin believed to bring good luck.

Shamans with fetishes
Shamans with fetishes

The supposed powers of fetishes also vary among societies. For example, a people may believe that a fetish has the power to make its owner invisible or to cure a certain type of illness. In parts of Africa, fetishism (the belief in fetishes) plays an important part in many traditional religions.

Psychiatrists use the term fetish to describe a normally nonsexual object that causes a sexual response in a certain individual. Such an object might be a lock of hair or a piece of clothing.

See also Superstition.