
Fibromyalgia, << fy `broh` my AL jee uh, >> is a condition in which people experience long-lasting, severe pain in muscles and other soft tissues throughout their bodies. Patients with fibromyalgia also have places on their bodies called tender points that are unusually sensitive. Physicians test for tender points by pressing firmly where the points are known to occur. Fibromyalgia patients feel pain from an amount of pressure that would not seem uncomfortable to people without the disorder.

In addition to pain and tenderness, most fibromyalgia patients experience fatigue and sleep problems. Headaches and abdominal pain are also common symptoms. Many patients report feeling anxious, depressed, or stressed. The disorder usually occurs in people in their 30’s or 40’s. More women than men are affected by fibromyalgia.

There is no laboratory test, X ray, or other procedure that proves conclusively that a person has fibromyalgia. Doctors usually diagnose the condition by taking a careful history of symptoms and determining that a patient has tender points.

Experts disagree about the cause of fibromyalgia. Some doctors believe that the condition arises chiefly due to mood disorders. These experts think that stress, depression, or worries disturb sleep. Troubled sleep then increases sensitivity to pain, possibly by changing the balance of messenger chemicals in the brain and nervous system. Two messenger chemicals that may be involved are serotonin and norepinephrine. Other doctors think that an imbalance of messenger chemicals occurs first. The imbalance then leads to altered moods, sleeplessness, pain, tenderness, and other symptoms.

Treatment of fibromyalgia almost always includes an exercise program. Exercise decreases pain sensitivity and improves physical fitness. Doctors often prescribe drugs called antidepressants, which reduce pain, restore sleep, and improve mood. Physicians may also suggest pain-relieving drugs. Because stress and depression may cause fibromyalgia or make it worse, psychological treatment may help relieve symptoms.