
Gall (1840-1894) was a leader of the Hunkpapa band of the Teton Sioux . He played an important role in the victory over Lieutenant Colonel George A. Custer in the Battle of the Little Bighorn in 1876. Custer had ordered Major Marcus A. Reno to attack the Native American camp on the Little Bighorn River in what is now Montana. Gall led the Hunkpapa against Reno’s troops and forced them to retreat. Gall and his band then helped battle Custer’s column.

Battle of the Little Bighorn
Battle of the Little Bighorn

In late 1876, Gall and other Hunkpapa fled to Canada to avoid being put on a reservation. In 1880, Gall led part of his band back to the United States. After a battle in January 1881, he surrendered and was imprisoned for months. Gall and the Hunkpapa then settled on the Standing Rock reservation in the Dakota Territory. Gall died on Dec. 5, 1894.

Gall was born near the Moreau River in what today is South Dakota. His name in the Sioux language was Pizi.