Henry III

Henry III (1017-1056) was king of Germany and emperor of what later became known as the Holy Roman Empire. He ruled Germany as joint king with his father, Conrad II, from 1028 to 1039, when Henry became sole king. Henry was crowned emperor in 1046. His reign was at times troubled by civil wars and by rebellions among the nobles. However, Henry won these conflicts and maintained royal authority over the nobles. He also won border wars in the north and east and extended the empire’s eastern boundary to Hungary.

Henry was deeply religious and a lover of peace and justice. He relied heavily on the church for governmental and military support. He backed a movement for church reform—especially the reform of the papacy—by appointing a series of progressive popes, beginning in 1046 with Pope Clement II. Henry was born on Oct. 28, 1017. He died on Oct. 5, 1056.