Hibiscus, << huh BIHS kuhs or hy BIHS kuhs, >> is a group of plants with large, showy flowers. The swamp rose mallow grows wild in marshes in the eastern United States, sometimes reaching 7 feet (2 meters) high. It has white or pink flowers 4 to 7 inches (10 to 18 centimeters) across. The rose of Sharon, also called althaea, is native to Asia. But United States gardeners often cultivate it as a small tree or shrub for borders and background. Its flowers resemble those of the hollyhock.

The tropical Chinese hibiscus has striking blossoms that the Chinese sometimes use to stain their eyebrows and teeth. Both the rose of Sharon and the Chinese hibiscus can have single or double flowers that vary in color from white, pink, and red to lavender. Some kinds of hibiscus are grown for their fiber.