
Hiking is a pleasurable, healthy form of exercise and recreation. It usually occurs over an extended period of time on trails in outdoor environments. A hike can last for a few hours or for several days. Many experienced hikers find special pleasure in wilderness areas in national parks and national forests, as well as international places. However, numerous people prefer to hike in local parks or forest preserves—or even on city sidewalks. Walking for pleasure is a basic form of hiking, but is usually for shorter periods of time and often in urban areas.


For most hiking experiences, people need only clothing suitable for the weather, including comfortable shoes or lightweight boots. Beginning hikers should start with walks that last only a few hours. As their endurance increases, they may take overnight camping trips. Hiking trips that last for several days are usually referred to as backpacking or trekking trips.


A hiker can help provide for his or her safety by going with a companion. Hikers should be prepared for sudden changes in the weather and should carry raingear as well as layers of clothing. In addition, they should carry a small first-aid kit so that they can treat such conditions as insect bites, blisters, and frostbite. Skill in using a map and a compass or directional device can be important when hiking in unfamiliar areas.

In backpacking, one of the most popular types of hiking, people carry food, clothing, shelter, and other items on their backs. Backpackers can spend many days in remote areas where supplies are unavailable.

A hiking sport called orienteering involves map reading and using a compass. Hikers compete over an established cross-country course. With a map and a compass, they must locate checkpoints scattered along the course. The person who finds all the checkpoints first is the winner. An activity called geocaching resembles an outdoor treasure hunt. Participants try to find a hidden container using Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates.

During the winter, many hikers enjoy two cross-country sports, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. Cross-country skiing, sometimes called ski touring, is hiking over snow using skis and poles. In snowshoeing, which requires no special instruction, hikers wear snowshoes.

Mountain climbing, also called mountaineering, is a special kind of hiking that can be both thrilling and dangerous. It may involve scrambling over rocks or the use of ropes and climbing gear. Hikers should take a course in mountaineering and go with an experienced guide before attemping a climb on their own.

Many organizations, including the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Sierra Club, and local hiking clubs, provide information for hikers. Rangers at national and state parks and other outdoor areas provide maps and other aids