Hoatzin, << hoh AT sihn, >> is an unusual-looking bird that lives in marshy areas near waterways in the northern part of South America. Hoatzins have claws on their wings when they hatch from the egg. The young birds use the claws to climb on tree branches until they learn to fly. The claws fall off as the birds mature.

The hoatzin has short, rounded wings and a long tail. It has bright red eyes, a blue face, and a stiff crest of brown feathers atop its head. The bird’s upper body is dark brown, and its underparts are a dull yellow. The hoatzin is the size of a small chicken.
Among birds, hoatzins have a unique digestive system that uses more than one compartment to break down food. Hoatzins store and partially digest their food, mostly leaves, in a crop (baglike organ) before it reaches the stomach. This digestive process is similar to that of such grazing mammals as cows and deer, a fact that puzzles scientists. Hoatzins live in family groups in tree branches that hang over waters.
Loading the player...Strange-looking hoatzin