Humber, River

Humber, River, flows eastward through northeastern England and empties into the North Sea. The Humber is about 40 miles (64 kilometers) long and from 1 to 7 miles (1.6 to 11 kilometers) wide. The Ouse and Trent rivers, two important trade routes, empty into the River Humber. Large ships can sail up the length of the Humber. Hull and Grimsby are important cities on the banks of the river. When the Norsemen invaded England during the 800’s and 900’s, they sailed their boats up the River Humber.

England cities
England cities

The Humber Bridge, completed in 1981, crosses the river near Hull. It has one of the longest main spans of any suspension bridge in the world. Its main span measures 4,626 feet (1,410 meters).

See also Humberside.