Institute for Advanced Study

Institute for Advanced Study, in Princeton, New Jersey, is an independent community of scholars and scientists engaged in advanced research and study. Individuals at the institute do not follow a specific program of research but determine their own lines of study. In addition, there are no examinations and no degrees. The institute supports itself from gifts and does not charge tuition.

The institute is divided into four schools: historical studies, mathematics, natural sciences, and social science. It has a permanent faculty of scholars and scientists and a number of visiting members, who spend anywhere from one academic term to several years at the institute. Many of these members come from countries other than the United States. Most visiting members have doctoral degrees or similar degrees. Visiting members are chosen because of their ability in research. They are given offices, subsidized housing, and the freedom to carry out their individual research projects.

The institute was founded in 1930. Through the years, the faculty of the Institute for Advanced Study has included such great scientists as Albert Einstein and J. Robert Oppenheimer.

The school’s website at offers additional information.