Landers, Ann (1918-2002), was the pen name of Esther Lederer, who wrote a popular newspaper column that gave advice and information to readers. She was considered one of the most influential people in the United States. The column was published in more than 1,000 newspapers in the United States and other countries.

People wrote to Landers about such matters as family life, health, marriage, and social issues. She consulted attorneys, physicians, psychologists, members of the clergy, and experts in other fields to help answer questions. In her replies, many of which are humorous and light-hearted, Landers also used common sense and personal experience.
Landers, whose full real name was Esther Pauline “Eppie” Friedman Lederer, was born on July 4, 1918, in Sioux City, Iowa, and attended Morningside College (now Morningside University). She began her career in 1955, when she took over the advice column of the Chicago Sun-Times. In 1987, she moved the column to the Chicago Tribune. Landers wrote several books, including Ann Landers Talks to Teenagers About Sex (1963) and The Ann Landers Encyclopedia from A to Z (1978). Her twin sister, Pauline Phillips, wrote a popular advice column called Dear Abby under the name Abigail Van Buren. Landers died on June 22, 2002.
See also Van Buren, Abigail.