Leeds (pop. 811,953) is the center of the clothing industry of West Yorkshire Metropolitan County in England. England is one of the four divisions of the United Kingdom. The city is also an important producer of wool textiles. It lies in the north-central part of England on the River Aire. The important Yorkshire coal field lies to the south and southeast of Leeds. The field provides coal for several power stations in the region. Leeds is connected with the east coast of England by the River Aire. The city also has good railroad and highway connections with other English cities.

Clothing and wool textiles are the traditional products made in Leeds. In addition, Leeds has developed important computer, defense, electronic, engineering, and vehicle industries. The city is a major cultural and business center and the home of the University of Leeds.
The site of Leeds was inhabited as early as the 600’s. The organization of the early settlements was rural, and no town existed at what is now Leeds until after the Norman Conquest of 1066.