Middle school

Middle school is a school designed for students in sixth, seventh, and eighth grade. Some middle schools include fifth grade. In a number of communities, students attend middle school rather than junior high school. Middle schools are sometimes called intermediate schools. Middle schools try to meet the special needs of children of the sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. Most children of this age are entering puberty. This period of rapid growth marks the end of childhood and the start of physical and sexual maturity. Middle schools try to help students understand the physical and social changes of puberty.

Many middle schools use a method of instruction called individualized learning, also called individualized instruction. This system enables each student to advance at his or her own speed and receive individual help from the teacher. The schools also use team teaching, in which several teachers share the responsibility for teaching a group of students.

Middle schools began in the United States about 1960 and their number has increased steadily. In the 1960’s, many schools became overcrowded. To relieve the crowded conditions, some communities built middle schools.