Mobius strip

Mobius strip is a continuous loop with a half-twist in it. You can make a Mobius strip by taking a rectangular strip of paper, turning over one end (twisting it 180 degrees), and joining the ends. Although the original strip had two sides, the Mobius strip has only one. To check this, draw a line down the strip’s middle until you reach the place where you started. You will find that the line runs around “both sides” of the strip. Similarly, a Mobius strip has only one edge. If you run your finger along its edge, you will return to your starting place after going around all the edge there is. If you cut the strip “in two” along the line you have drawn, it will remain one loop but will have two sides. The Mobius strip is named after August F. Mobius, the German mathematician who discovered it in the mid-1800’s.