
Numerology, << `noo` muh ROL uh jee, >> is the practice of using numbers to analyze character and foretell the future. It is based on the belief that the universe is governed by numerical laws and that each number has special powers and qualities. Most scientists believe that numerology has no scientific basis, but many people throughout the world practice it.

Numerologists believe that a person’s name is an important clue to that person’s character. Each letter in the name is changed to a number using a system based on ancient Greek and Hebrew alphabets. The numbers are added together and the separate figures in the total are combined to arrive at a number from one to nine. Suppose the numbers derived from a person’s name total 75. The 75 is broken into a 7 and a 5, which add up to 12. The 12 is separated into a 1 and a 2, which total 3. This number supposedly reflects the person’s character. For example, people with the number one are said to be ambitious and forceful. Those with the number two supposedly are quiet and shy.

Another number that numerologists believe reveals character is the birth number, which is determined by adding the figures in a person’s birth date. Numerologists also combine the birth number with the figures in any year to find a personal year number. This number predicts what is going to happen to the person in that year.