Optimist International is an association of service clubs. The vast majority of Optimist Clubs are in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean. Membership is by invitation to business and professional people of the local community. Optimist Clubs work to develop optimism as a philosophy of life. They promote good government, respect for law, patriotism, friendship among all people, and service to youth.
Under the motto “Friend of Youth,” Optimist Clubs conduct a wide range of service projects for young people. The Optimist Childhood Cancer Campaign promotes cancer research and provides assistance to children with cancer and their families. The organization sponsors annual contests in which high school students compete for college scholarships. These contests are an essay contest, a public speaking contest, and a communication contest for people with hearing disabilities. Other programs include youth safety and youth appreciation activities, sports skills contests, and the Optimist International Junior Golf Championships.
Eleven Optimist Clubs founded Optimist International in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1919. The organization is based in St. Louis.