
Phaistos, << FYS tuhs, >> is an archaeological site on the Mediterranean island of Crete. It includes the ruins of an ancient palace. The palace at Phaistos was built by the Minoans, who also built the Palace of Minos at Knossos. See Aegean civilization ; Knossos .

Phaistos stands on a ridge above the plain of the Mesara. Archaeologists working at the site since the early 1900’s have found the remains of two palaces. The so-called New Palace was built after an older palace was destroyed, either by fire or by an earthquake, in about 1700 B.C. The New Palace was burned down when the Mycenaeans, a people from mainland Greece, conquered Crete in about 1450 B.C. The palace at Phaistos was the home of Minoan rulers. Sports, animal sacrifices, and religious rituals may have taken place there.