Play, in recreation, is any activity performed for amusement. Although people engage in play mainly to enjoy themselves, play also contributes to the physical and mental health of individuals. For example, many people increase their physical fitness by swimming or hiking. Many people also improve their intellectual skill by playing word games or solving puzzles.

Play activities fall into one of three general groups—(1) motor play, (2) intellectual play, or (3) sensory play. Motor play is physical exercise, such as skating or playing volleyball. Intellectual play primarily involves mental activity, as in playing chess. Sensory play includes spectator activities, such as attending sports events.
Play takes countless forms. A person may bounce a ball alone or join in a game of basketball with several other people. Play activity may or may not be planned ahead of time. It can take place anywhere, from in an individual’s mind to areas designed specifically for play, such as sandboxes, playgrounds, recreation rooms, and athletic fields.

Some play activities are popular with both children and adults. Other activities appeal primarily to people of certain age groups. Children often take part in play that requires a great deal of imagination, such as playing with dolls or dressing up and pretending to be adults. Adult play activities generally involve more structured types of recreation, such as hobbies, sports, and games.

For a child, playing is a form of self-expression and a significant part of social development. Children begin to play long before they can communicate effectively with words. Through playing, they express their ideas, moods, problems, and personalities to other people. Children learn to interact with one another by sharing toys or playing games that stress personal cooperation, such as tag or hide-and-seek. When they are older, they develop teamwork skills by playing competitive sports like volleyball.
For an adult, playing is a way of relaxing during leisure time. Play activities help relieve pressures caused by the tensions of daily life.