
Poster is a printed sheet of paper or cardboard displayed in public. Most posters convey a simple message using words and illustrations. Posters may announce events such as plays, films, or art exhibits. They may also advertise commercial products or political messages.

Poster for the film Frankenstein
Poster for the film Frankenstein

A typical poster emphasizes simple shapes, bright colors, and large letters to attract attention. Most posters are large enough to be seen from a distance. They are often posted on walls and places along streets where the public can easily see them. Many posters are so large that they are placed on billboards. Commercial posters are usually made by photography, lithography, and silk-screen printing.

Designing posters became popular with European artists in the 1800’s. Beginning about 1866, the French artist Jules Cheret produced more than 1,000 large colorful posters using the recently invented process of color lithography. In the 1890’s, the French artist Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec gained fame for the beautiful bold designs of the posters he made for theaters and dance halls. Many artists in the 1900’s designed posters that are collected as works of art.