Roughy, << RUHF ee, >> is the name of a group of fish that live in temperate oceans throughout the world. Roughies range from 3 to 20 inches (8 to 51 centimeters) long. The orange roughy is the most common and one of the largest species. It is important commercially, especially around New Zealand. It is sold fresh or frozen. A freshly caught adult orange roughy is actually red. It turns orangish after several hours out of the water.

Unlike most fish, orange roughies have a swim bladder (baglike organ) that is filled with oil and wax. Most fish have a gas-filled swim bladder. Oil from the swim bladder of orange roughies is similar to the oil in sperm whales and in jojoba, a desert shrub. It is used in such products as lubricants and cosmetics.
Studies indicate that the orange roughy takes 18 to 20 years to mature. Some research indicates that the orange roughy may live 100 years or more.