Sagittarius, << `saj` uh TAIR ee uhs, >> is the ninth sign of the zodiac. Its symbol is an archer. Astrologers believe Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Sagittarius is a fire sign.

Astrologers consider people born under the sign of Sagittarius, from November 22 to December 21, to have the characteristics associated with Jupiter, which they consider a wise and friendly planet. Sagittarians are warm, outgoing, and relaxed, and they like to be surrounded by friends. Sagittarians also are generous and spend money impulsively. Jupiter makes them thoughtful, fond of exploring ideas, and capable of far-sighted decisions. They are cheerful and enthusiastic. In addition, Sagittarians are restless and like change and travel. They are independent and find it hard to accept discipline. See also Astrology ; Horoscope ; Zodiac .