
Setter is a type of long-haired hunting dog. It is used to search for such birds as quail and partridge. There are three breeds of setters: English, Gordon, and Irish. All have silky coats, expressive eyes, and heavy muzzles. They are intelligent and gentle. Breeders in the United States classify setters as sporting dogs. The setter was developed from the old “setting spaniel.” Setters are about the same size and shape as pointers, but have the spaniel’s long hair.

Irish setter
Irish setter

A setter hunts game in the same way that pointers do (see Pointer ). It ranges the field until it smells game. Then it comes to a point, with its nose pointing at the game, its body stiff, and its tail out straight or raised a little. Sometimes it lifts one front paw while pointing. The dog holds its point until the hunter flushes the game (makes it move from its hiding place). After the shot, the setter brings back the game.