Swallow is a type of small, graceful bird. A swallow has long, powerful, pointed wings and small feet suited only for perching. It has a wide mouth that it uses to catch flying insects, which make up nearly all its food. Swallows eat many mosquitoes.
Tree swallow
Swallows are found in almost all parts of the world. They usually live in open or partly open country, often near water. Most swallows migrate over long distances between their summer and winter homes. Some, such as the cliff swallow and the barn swallow, travel thousands of miles. These movements help swallows avoid cold weather and find food. During their migrations, swallows fly by day and spend the nights in woods or marshes.
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Swallows generally are sociable birds. Some nest in pairs, but most live in colonies. Some species make their nests in holes in riverbanks or trees. Others build nests of clay or mud on beams of bridges, on rafters in barns, or under eaves. Female swallows lay three to eight eggs that are solid white or white with brown spots.
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Several species of swallows live in North America. The barn swallow has a steel-blue back, chestnut breast, and a deeply forked tail. The cliff swallow has a rectangular tail and a light brown patch on its rump. The tree swallow is dark bluish-green and white and often nests in birdhouses. The bank swallow is brown and white with a narrow dark band across its chest. The purple martin is the largest swallow in North America. It may grow to 81/2 inches (21 centimeters) long. The adult male is black all over.
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